Biological department

To carry out grant works we obtained necessary expeditionary equipment and supplies, advanced analytical devices for chemical and biological analyses, reagents required, all that together with the available and obtained in advance equipment for innovation program allowed for the creation on the basis of Tyumen State University of a laboratory in compliance with up-to-date international requirements for ecology studies.

The Laboratory is able to study such topics as “Water and ecosystem quality in response to anthropogenic loads and climate changes in West Siberia regions”, and “Physiological, biochemical, morphological, psychophysiological mechanisms of ecological adaptation of a man in West Siberia”. The equipment available for the Department of environmental and bioindicative studies facilitates to study water quality and its influence on natural ecosystems and man`s health using the most advanced techniques. It is possible to study water quality influence on biological objects at genetic, cytological, histological and organism levels.

Histological equipment system (“Histological line”)

 Histological equipment system is intended for cell and tissue studies using optical microscopy techniques with parameter changing and visualization of supracellular, cellular and subcellular structures for     express-analysis of cell and organ condition of tested objects
Histological system (HS) has a technologically based structure and is used to analyze fixed samples of biological tissues as thick as 0.5×10-6m – 6.0×10-5m. HS includes the following elements:
1-2. Excelsior ES, Thermo device for preparation and paraffin infiltration;
3. EC-350 station for filling with paraffin;
4. HM355S automatic rotary microtome;
5. Automatic device for preparation and staining of histological sections – Tissue-Tek® DRS™ 2000 multistainer;
6. Tissue-Tek® GLC™ 550 device for placing specimen under the microglass;
7. Freezing microtome;
8. AxioImager А1HM550 microscope
(3) (4)
(5) (6)
(7) (8)
 Characteristics The device for preparation and paraffin infiltration is a high-effective microprocessor-controlled device that performs automatic cleaning and preparation (dehydration and paraffin infiltration) for the subsequent placing into paraffin; simultaneous processing of more than 220 specimen and component regeneration.
The station for filling with paraffin – appliance for melting and measured filling of biological specimens with paraffin after the preparation.
The automatic rotary microtome is a high-performance completely motorized device that facilitates acquisition of high-effective histological sections. It is connected to a section transfer system with a laminar water flow heated with water-bath. Immediate section smoothing facilitates production of sections of any thickness within the range 0.5×10-6m – 6.0×10-5m.
The freezing microtome is intended for making sections out of frozen non-fixed specimen using motorized delivery of specimen to the blade and retraction.
The automatic device for preparation and staining of histological sections is intended for bulk cell and tissue staining of histological sections with a productivity rate of up to 440 microglasses per hour. Multi-function potencies of programming of up to 20 staining protocols out of 50 stages and of the choice of optimal pathway according to the positions for every protocol.
The device for placing specimen under the microglass allows for covering every cell and tissue specimen with microglass in compliance with the approved standards, providing a guarantee of absence of air bubbles between the specimen glass and microglass with a capacity of up to 600 microglasses per hour.
AxioImager А1 microscope – for microscopic analysis using bright field and phase contrast techniques. High definition digital colour camera is connected to the computer. Software facilitates saving images, placing annotations on images such as text, lines, arrows, boxes, circles, scale, making reports and attaching images to one another to get a panorama picture.
 Application Cell and tissue structure studies

 LSM 510-Meta (“Zeiss”) confocal scanning laser microscopy

 LSM 510-Meta – optical microscope with high contrast in comparison with a usual microscope, which is reached with the help of aperture placed in the image plane and restricting the flow of background scattered light; allows for analyzing tissue at the cellular level in the state of physiological activity and demonstrating cell activity in four dimensions.
It is intended for the following tasks:
– to study live and fixed cells and tissues, create a 3-dimension and a 4-dimension image for time-base with the elements of 3-dimensional reconstruction, animation and assay;
– to obtain unique documented material in the sphere of study of various factors influence mechanisms (including patho- and toxicogenic ones) for cells and tissues, and a reliable efficacy assessment of rehabilitation techniques applied.
 Application Cell and tissue structure studies and development of biotechnological approaches

Histological units and specimen

Histological specimens are intended for a detailed microscopic analysis of tested objects` organs for the purpose of biosystem state assessment in response to natural and anthropogenic-modified conditions
 Characteristics Bulk production of high quality histological specimen of animal organs is guaranteed by:
- a complete “histological line” based on the advanced equipment of well-known companies – manufacturers of histology and cytology studies equipment – Carl Zeiss, Mikrom Sakura;
- qualified specialists

  Assay of DNA-RNA-ratio in a developing brain of peled embryo using confocal scanning microscopy

Water biotechnology test site

Test site equipment

Water biotechnology test site is equipped with a recirculating aquaculture system and an automatic control of main hydrological parameters, it includes:
- a biofilter with a non-fixed regenerating load;
- MacDonald devices for spawn incubation (ciscos, carps, sturgeons);
- trays for spawn incubation (salmons);
- reservoirs for breeding juvenile fish to obtain spawn;
- experimental aquaria (20 L).

Test site function
The test site is intended for all-year operation with recirculated water supply with computer-controlled life-support and regeneration system. The test site carries out educational and scientific researches, toxicological experiments and manufacturing activities to practice new technological approaches in fish-breeding and aquaculture. Biotechnologies are being developed to obtain robust juvenile fish in the extreme environment. Products:
- robust seeding (alevins of valuable fish species) processed with the help of “know-how” technology using weak impulse magnetic fields.

Technological system for biotechnological development and gene diagnostics

 Function Biotechnology and gene diagnostics centre deals with the development of technologies to provide viability and biological protection of a man and animals, with gene diagnostics and obtaining of new products on the basis of innovative technologies
 Structure Biotechnology and gene diagnostics centre includes:
-gene diagnostics department;
-biotechnology laboratory

The centre has equipment to perform:
- proteomic analysis;
- electrophoresis;
- polymerase chain reaction (including real-time PCR);
- cytogenetic analysis;
- liquid high speed chromatography;
- immunoenzymometric analysis;
- Western blotting;
- technologic system for biotechnological development
 Application Biology, ecology, medicine, animal health, agriculture
Commercial proposal
Cooperation, work performance to order, training

Biotechnology laboratory

The equipment allows for obtaining proteins, enzymes, vitamins. Device line composition for cell cultivation: 3870 Е autoclave; Innova U725 low temperature deep-freeze; Innova 43R shaker-incubator; BAVp-0.1-1.5 laminar flow hood; MOV212 (Sanyo) hot-air sterilizer; Research automatic dosimeter sets; SRR-49GD-MEDE freezer for microbiological environments; thermostat, 5804R multifunctional centrifuge, EPG102 precision balance, G 7883CD Mielabor rinsing apparatus, GFL-2008 distilling apparatus, Arium 611 UF fine water filtering system, BioFlo-115, M1369-1150 fermenting box for fermentation and cultivation of microorganisms (fermenter), consumable materials set. Device line for cell cultivation is intended for cultivation and multiplication of various species of monocellular organisms in required quantities.

Gene diagnostics laboratory

The Laboratory has:

1) equipment set to perform polymerase chain reaction: Tercick amplifier (produced by DNA-technology company) and PTC-200 DNA Engine Cycler (by Bio-Rad company) with “Chromo-4” detection system for Real-Time PCR; electrophoresis chambers produced by Sigma company;
2) Expirion System automatic electrophoresis system (Bio-Rad);
3) proteomic laboratory: equipment to perform isoelectrofocusing (“Protein IEF Cell”, “MicroRotafor Cell” devices), equipment to perform SDS-electrophoresis (“Mini-Protein Tetra Cell”, “Mini-Protein Dodeca Cell”, “Protean 2D Cell” devices), equipment to perform blotting (“Trans-Blot SD Semi Dry Transfer Cell”, “Trans-Blot Cell” devices), “Versa Doc” equipment to document gels);
4) equipment set to perform high speed liquid chromatography: Biologic Duo Flow preparative system for bimolecular cleaning and high speed liquid chromatography (of “Bio-Rad” company production);

The equipment facilitates performance of genomic (polymerase chain reaction and restriction analysis) and proteomic analyses. The equipment facilitates activities on selection, optimization and implementation of molecular-genetic test-systems for parasite species diagnostics (viruses, protozoa, helminths), on study of genetic bases of stability in animals, on search of molecular markers of parasite-resistance, on genetic certification of economically valuable species. Proteomic analysis facilitates protein polymorphism studies, making proteomic maps of organisms, individual tissues and cells, studies of enzyme metabolic pathways, studies of posttranslational protein modifications, studies of regular expression of single genes, studies of molecular mechanisms of organisms` resistance to various factors, search of new (molecular) markers for early disease detection.


Biochemical and biogeochemical studies system

Objective assessment of man`s health in response to anthropogenic load onto the environment (including to drinking water quality) using advanced technologies of recording and function analysis facilitates recording and determination of more than 50 parameters of blood, blood circulation, breathing, psychophysiology, central nervous system. All the methods have been evaluated, they are psychologically non-traumatic, concentrated in 6 device-program systems. 

MW Transform 800 system for microwave degradation of specimen facilitates degradation of the tested specimen of any origin using the method of  wet digestion in mineral acids for the further analysis using atomic-absorption methods.
AA-6300 atomic-absorption spectrophotometer with graphite furnace and MVU -1 AА mercury device facilitates determination of heavy metal (Cd, Pb, Co, Fe, Cu, Ni, As, Hg) concentrations in biological and non-biological specimen.

 Shimadzu RF-5301 PC fluorescence spectrophotometer is intended for fluorimetrical analysis of water quality.

BLM biochemiluminescent analyzer is used to evaluate water contamination on the basis of microorganism cultures` survival rate.

Unicell hematological computer-controlled analyzer facilitates detection of the earliest deviation signs or diagnostics of the normal range of inborn sensitivity mechanisms and of organism resistance, total stability on the basis of peripheral white and red blood cell parameters.

 EK1T-03M2 and 3/12 channel Alton 0.3 с cardiograph, “Valenta” diagnostic system; “Spiro S – 100” automatic pneumometer facilitate evaluation (recording and data analysis) of blood circulation and breathing conditions that are the earliest signs of system tensions limiting organism adaptation to social and ecological factors of living conditions, labour, education, climate, weather.

“Psychophysiology and higher nervous activity” device-program system. It is used to evaluate central nervous system properties; to establish resistance to physiological, psycho emotional, psychosocial stress; to detect transitional psychological derangement of memory; mental process speed; intelligence; life quality using devices and questionnaires among which there are adapted foreign ones; brain asymmetry.

“Molecular biology and biochemistry” device-program system. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of biological specimen and foods to determine contents of amino acids, fatty acids, peptides, proteins, vitamins, ions, hormones, natural and man-made bioregulators including Е range. The most possible application areas are food industry, toxicology, nutrition science, nutrient budget making.