Moiseenko T.I.

Татьяна Ивановна Моисеенко T. I. Moiseenko

Professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the department of biogeochemistry and ecology, V.I.Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Сhemistry RAS

Address: Kosygina 19, Moscow. 119991 (

Date and place of birth: July 8, 1949, Russian Federation, Stavropol.

Citizenship: Russian Federation

Professional Experience:

2010 - present. Chief of Laboratory “Water Quality, Stability of Ecosystems and Ecotoxicology in Tyumen state university, Tyumen.

2010 - present. Head of Department Biogeochemistry and Ecology in V.I. Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, simultaneously – Chief of Laboratory of evolutionary biogeochemistry and environment et Department. Moscow

2008-2010 – Head of the Department on Water Quality and Ecology, Water Problems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow

1999-2008 - Deputy Director on scientific work, Water Problems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.Moscow

1988-1999 – Head, Laboratory of Aquatic Ecosystems, Institute of Northern Industrial Ecology Problems on Kola Science Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences. Apatity, Murmansk region

1978-1988 - Research Scientist, Senior Researcher and Leader of the Aquatic Group on the Kola Science Centre. Apatity, Murmansk region

1971-1976 - POST - graduate student of the Kola Science Centre. Apatity, Murmansk region

Sphere of Scientific Interests: Water Quality, Вiogeochemistry and Ecology

Professor Moiseenko T. specializes in water quality and aquatic ecosystem investigation, biogeochemical migration and bioaccumulation of trace element. She is dealing with estimation of the anthropogenic multipollution of lakes and rivers along transect from tundra to arid zones of Russia, including European part (Kola Peninsula, Volga River basin) and Western Siberia. Her research interests are connected with the solution of important problems in the field of water resources: studies of regularities in formation of water quality, the development of the system of diagnostics of aquatic ecosystems and water quality assessment on basic ecosystem heath criteria, the elaboration of methodology and procedures for determining the critical levels of pollution and permissible anthropogenic loads on water resources.

As an expert of number international project prof. Moiseenko took leading role in the investigation and assessment water quality change in Arctic region, Siberia and European part of Russia under anthropogenic impact in global and local scales, understanding mechanism of water acidification, eutrophication and fate of toxic substance; structural-functional changes of water ecosystems and fish pathology under pollution impacts and diagnostics’ criteria of early worrying in water ecosystems. She is leader of a Scientific Project titled: “Regularities of Water Quality Changes under Anthropogenic Impact in Global and Local Scales” under Russian Foundation of Fundamental Research; leader of the Russian Group in the International Project titled: “Common Regional Lake Surveys in the Barents Region (Russia, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Scotland and Wales)”; leader of the Russian Group in the Integrated Project “Eurolimpacs” under the 6th Framework Programme of the Commission of the European Community; leader of the Russian Group in the AAAS Europe and Central Project titled: “Applications of Interactive Integrated Assessment and Modelling to Design Sustainable Development Strategies for Arctic Watersheds”, expert of the international projects (AMAP, MOLAR etc).

The results of goal-oriented studies by T.I. Moiseenko are shown in more than 260 research works, including 10 books and a series of articles in reviewed Russian and international publications (Water Resources; News of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Russian journal of Ecology; Chemosphere; Ambio; The Science of the Total Environment; Water, Soil and Air Pollution; Ecotoxicology and Environment Safety; Limnologica, etc.), which are widely presented at large All-Russia and international forums. Participation in international conferences and symposiums as a guest speaker on water problems and ecological issues of Northern regions in Russia, Scandinavian countries, USA, England, Spain, France, Austria etc.

T.I. Moiseenko is the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the journal Water Resources, a member of Russian journal Geochemistr. Graduate and Postdoctoral Advisors in Water Problems Institute of the Russian Academy of Science, Institute of Industrial Ecology Problems in the North, etc. She is the official adviser of 6 protected thesis for a doctor's and 24 Ph.D. degree.

The main books are as follows:

Moiseenko T.I. Gashkina N. A. “Water quality formation of small lake under anthropogenic impacts” (Nauka, Moscow, 2010),

Moiseenko T.I. “Aquatic Ecotoxicology: Theoretical and Applied Aspects” (Nauka, Moscow, 2009).

T.I. Moiseenko, L.P. Kudryavtseva and N.A. Gashkina “Dispersed Elements in Surface Inland Waters: Technophily, Bioaccumulation, and Ecotoxicology” (Nauka, Moscow, 2006).

T. I. Moiseenko “Water Acidification: Factors, Mechanisms, and Environmental Impacts” (Nauka, Moscow, 2003).